Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Just because it is the middle of winter...
...and the water is freezing cold...
...doesn't mean, of course, that you can't play in it. In your underwear.
(Maybe Caleb needs a trip to Houston.)


bronya said...

yes he does ... its wet and hot here ... i've never really 'let' my girls play in the rain before (mainly because I am the whimp who won't go out in the cold) so they thought it was the beezneez to head out for walks in the rain and jump in puddles etc ...

Anonymous said...

water at the best of times is great :) i think kids have an inbuilt magnet to water. we walked up to the creek this morning with gumboots... but kids being kids, water went in the boots rather then on the outside... but they had fun which is the main thing... those white houses look interesting! enjoy the last few days of holidays. Regards Leanne