Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Little Do They Know

I shared my 'school quilt' on my facebook page this morning, but seeing that many people have asked about this quilt over the last couple of years, I figured I better post it here too!

Little Do They Know
(c) Ruth de Vos 2012
127cm high by 250cm wide

Children can sometimes be hard-pressed to recount what they actually learned during the day. Little do they know just how much learning they are experiencing in every facet of their school day.  

This quilt was a year-and-a-half long project which started with obtaining permission from the teacher, principal, and parents of the students in Aaron's class to take photos of the children. Aaron's teacher let me join the class for various lessons over about two weeks, so that I could capture various aspects of their learning. The students were so diligent - they just kept right on working whenever I came!


D 'tHart said...

wonderful details!

Cathy said...

Ruth you are truly amazing. That's a lengthy project but sure a great result. Must be hard to stay motivated when it's such a big task. It was all worthwhile!

sewmeafumberlant said...

Fabulous quilt, really love it. There is a particular landscape I would like to quilt, but didn't think I could. You have inspired me to put it back on my to do list. Now to learn the skills....